I think that what it is not that the world has become crueler, it’s just that we

游客2024-08-09  19

问题 I think that what it is not that the world has become crueler, it’s just that we hold our children back from a very early age. When they’ re 11, 12, 13, we don’t let them out on their own. When they’ re 14, 15, we hover all over them and insulate them from real-life experience, We treat university students the way we used to treat school pupils, so I think it’s that type of cumulative effect of infantilisation which is responsible for this.


答案 我觉得问题并不是世界变得越来越残酷。而是我们从小就把孩子呵护得太紧。孩子到了11~13岁时还不敢放开让他们独自外出;到了14~15岁时,我们更是严加防范,把他们与现实生活隔离开来。我们现在对待大学生的方式就像以前对待小学生一样。所以在我看来,这就是“孩子化”风气的症结所在。
