[originaltext] Steven Spielberg’s ‘Munich’ and Ang Lee’s ‘Brokeback Mountain

游客2024-08-09  6

Steven Spielberg’s ‘Munich’ and Ang Lee’s ‘Brokeback Mountain’ are likely to be the big winners at the Oscar ceremony in five weeks’ time. Spielberg’s highly controversial drama about the 1972 Olympic massacre, and what happened after it, is one of the five nominations for Best Picture. Some have speculated opposition to the movie and its theme might harm its Oscar chances, but that hasn’t happened. Spielberg’s also nominated as Best Director.
Question: Who won the nomination as Best Director according to the speaker?

选项 A、Ang Lee.
B、Steven Spielberg.
C、Both of them.

答案 B

解析 文中最后一句说荣获奥斯卡最佳导演奖提名的是斯皮尔伯格。