With the development of mass entertainment, popular music ______ away and has gr

游客2024-08-08  6

问题 With the development of mass entertainment, popular music ______ away and has gradually developed a stronger life of its own to the point where it has become ______ with the classics.

选项 A、split; incompatible
B、cut; inconsistent
C、cracked; incidental
D、branched; incongruous

答案 A

解析 句意:随着大众娱乐的发展,流行音乐独树一帜逐渐形成了自己独特而强壮的生存方式,它的风格已经与古典音乐完全不一样了。split away劈开,(使)裂开。cut away切掉,砍掉,逃走。branch away分叉,岔开。incompatible不一致的,不协调的,不相容的。inconsistent强调在整体目的、安排或内容上的不一致性。incongruous不和谐,尤指人或事间的不合适或不适当。incidental偶然的。