What does the woman imply about the man? [br] [originaltext]M: I fixed the wind

游客2024-08-07  5

问题 What does the woman imply about the man? [br]  
M: I fixed the window, painted the bookcase and repaired the desk and chair.
W: Been busy, haven’t you?
W: I haven’t studied much French this week at all.
M: Why worry? We have a vacation coming up, soon you’ll have lots of time.

选项 A、They’re going to France for a vacation.
B、The woman doesn’t need to study now.
C、He’s concerned about the woman’s studies.

答案 B

解析 女士认为这星期没怎么学法语,略感忧虑,男士安慰她,马上就要放假,会有时间学的。因此B选项正确。此题的要点是have a vacation coming up,意为:假期就要到来。