When was the last time you come out of a very successful 【M1】______film and

游客2024-08-07  8

问题     When was the last time you come out of a very successful 【M1】______
film and really felt you’d got your money’s worthy? It’s 【M2】______
hard to be disappointed nowadays, since every film receives huge 【M3】______
amounts of popularity month before it’s released, and inevitably 【M4】______
it won’t live up your expectations. Even Hollywood seems to 【M5】______
have realized that its best film-making years are over, that 【M6】______
is possibly the reason why we seem to be faced for so many 【M7】______
remarks recently.
    Nevertheless, professional opinion is that surely there are another 【M8】______
stories worthy of the big screen. When you remark at a classic, it is easy 【M9】______
to guess that the result will always be a poor imitation. 【M10】______ [br] 【M3】


答案 hard∧to—not

解析 (根据下文意思可知,如今的电影在发布前获得大量人气,最终却达不到期望。因此此句要表达的意思是如今的电影很难不让人失望。所以应在hard之后加上否定词not。)