Which kind of transport is the man suggesting that the woman takes? [br] [origi

游客2024-08-06  5

问题 Which kind of transport is the man suggesting that the woman takes? [br]  
W: I’m looking for a convenient way to travel the country.
M: Have you heard of hiring a coach? Many people use this form of transport: it’s cheap and very popular.
W: No. I’ve not heard of it. Tell me about it.
M: It’s like going on an ocean cruise except that you go by land. Everything is planned for you from the moment you step on board a luxury coach.
W: How about some chicken supreme, then? That looks quite nice.
M: OK. What do we need then, apart from chicken?
W: An onion, some lemon juice—oh, put a lemon on the list, can you? Can we start a shopping list?
M: Yes, what about dessert? I know I will do peaches and ice cream.
W: OK. Let me take it.

选项 A、In a supermarket.
B、In a cafeteria.
C、At a wedding ceremony.
D、At a cocktail party.

答案 A

解析 对话中双方主要就需要买什么食材展开讨论,其中女士问男士要不要买点鸡肉,随后指出还需要洋葱、柠檬,并提出写一个购物单,由此可推知对话发生在一家超市里。