Where does this conversation probably take place? [br] [originaltext]M: This is

游客2024-08-06  3

问题 Where does this conversation probably take place? [br]  
M: This is your passbook. The interest rate will automatically adjust depending on how much you have in the account.
W: Oh, that’s good. There’s something else. I’d like to apply for a mortgage, please.
M: Certainly, I’ll make you an appointment with our mortgage adviser.
W: I honestly think that a journalist’s job is solely to convey to his or her readership as unambiguous a factual account of what’s happening as possible.
M: You mean like a professional recorder of the news?
W: Yes, I think it’s up to people themselves to decide their own point of view and then effect changes.

选项 A、Working as a journalist is as being a recorder.
B、It’s a journalistVs job to convey only optimistic attitude to readers.
C、A journalist should convey the information as it is.

答案 C

解析 对话中女士提到其认为,新闻记者的工作就是尽可能清晰如实地报道所发生的事情(unambiguous a factual account of what’s happening as possible),而由读者自己决定如何看待这件事,并作出改变。因此C项正确。