Where does this conversation probably take place? [br] [originaltext]M: This is

游客2024-08-06  4

问题 Where does this conversation probably take place? [br]  
M: This is your passbook. The interest rate will automatically adjust depending on how much you have in the account.
W: Oh, that’s good. There’s something else. I’d like to apply for a mortgage, please.
M: Certainly, I’ll make you an appointment with our mortgage adviser.
W: Could you tell me whether people in Britain prefer to rent houses or buy them?
M: It’s now bred into them that they should buy their house rather than rent it. Buying a property is seen as a very sound investment now.
W: It makes sense.

选项 A、People tried to make money by buying houses.
B、The price of houses is rising thus people would rather rent one.
C、Most people raise their children in rented houses.

答案 A

解析 对话中女士问及英国人更倾向于租房还是买房,男士回答说英国人养成了应该买房而不是租房的观念,并提到“目前购置房产被认为是一项非常明智的投资”。因此A项“英国人试图通过买房来挣钱”为正确答案。