What did the woman do last night? [originaltext]M: Did you have fun last night?

游客2024-08-06  4

问题 What did the woman do last night?
M: Did you have fun last night?
W: To be frank, I’ve seen better things on television. I didn’t like seeing large animals performing tricks, and the jugglers weren’t as skillful as I thought they’d be.
M: Sounds like a waste of money, then.

选项 A、Watched TV.
B、Went to the circus.
C、Practiced juggling.

答案 B

解析 女士说不喜欢看large animals杂耍和jugglers变戏法,反而还不如电视节目精彩,而男士也认为她的做法浪费了时间。所以她昨晚去了马戏团看表演。