Where did the conversation occur? [br] [originaltext]W: Hi! Welcome to Angie’s.

游客2024-08-06  6

问题 Where did the conversation occur? [br]  
W: Hi! Welcome to Angie’s. Can I help you find something or are you just looking?
M: I’m not sure. Aren’t you having a sale right now?
W: Everything on these two racks over here is on sale.
M: Thanks. This sweater is nice. But it looks a little big. Do you have this in a smaller size?
M: Hi, Zadie! How’s the new job?
W: Well, it’s not bad. I suppose. I mean, the starting time’s great.
M: What do you mean?
W: Well, it doesn’t start till lunchtime, so I don’t have to get up early. You know how I hate getting up early! And now I needn’t set my alarm clock before I go to sleep at night.

选项 A、It starts quite late every day.
B、It is rather tiring and boring.
C、It requires long working hours.
D、It provides a long lunch break.

答案 A

解析 对话中女士在解释为什么她的工作很棒时提到,it doesn’t start till lunchtime,so I don’t have to get up early。表明这份工作每天开始的时间很晚。