Why is it very difficult for the woman to get the time off? [originaltext]W: The

游客2024-08-06  4

问题 Why is it very difficult for the woman to get the time off?
W: The train gets in about six in the morning from Tokyo. I’ll try and meet you at the station but I’m teaching that morning.
M: Don’t worry. I can find my way.
W: The trouble is it’s very difficult for me to get the time off. They’re very short-staffed at the moment.
M: It’s all right. It’s not as though we’re not used to travelling.
W: Anyway, you just get a taxi to the golf course which is where the main road ends. Unfortunately , the taxis don’t like going any further because the roads get pretty rough after that.
M: Ok, we’ll walk if it’s not too far.
W: Yes. Just leave your suitcases at the clubhouse—the man at reception speaks English—and we’ll pick them up later. Anyway, don’t worry. I’ll email you a map showing you the way from there.
M: No problem. It’ll be an adventure.
W: I’ll finish work and leave school at about twelve, so have a rest, maybe take a little walk and get a good look at that incredible view we have of the mountain. It’s fantastic at this time of the year. It’ll be quite safe to walk around. I’ll be back about half past twelve.
M: It sounds wonderful. We’re looking forward to it. Unfortunately Dad’s legs aren’t what they used to be but he can still get about. How long are you going to let us stay?
W: Don’t ask such questions. As long as you like of course. . .

选项 A、She is supposed to attend an important meeting.
B、She has been arranged for an interview.
C、There are not enough teachers in her school.

答案 C

解析 录音的开始女士说“I’m teaching that morning”,由此可知她是学校的老师。后来她又说她难以请假,原因是“。they’re very short—staffed at the moment.”(当时他们人员不足。)。所以C项“她的学校没有足够的老师”符合题意。