What is the news about? [originaltext]As you use computers, as you’re surfing th

游客2024-08-06  5

问题 What is the news about?
As you use computers, as you’re surfing the web, especially in large data centres, it generates a lot of heat. And right now, that heat is wasted. It actually just gets pulled away and goes out through the chimneys, etc. Well, our scientists are putting small channels actually into the chips that do the computing, taking that heat back and using heat pump technology to then heat a building or even cool a building. So the energy will be reclaimed. So computing will become a lot more energy efficient.

选项 A、Using computers.
B、Reclaiming energy.
C、Heating buildings.

答案 B

解析 新闻主要讲了同时使用多台计算机工作会产生很大热量,而这些热量就白白浪费了,科学家近期发明了一种芯片可以将这些热量利用到建筑物供热或供冷,因此是关于能量再利用的,故选B。