Diana: It’s a gorgeous day today! Shall we go down to the park for a picnic? Do

游客2024-08-05  3

问题 Diana: It’s a gorgeous day today! Shall we go down to the park for a picnic?
Doug: Great! ______.
Diana: Why don’t we stop and get some fried chicken at KFC and head down to Murray Park? Let’s bring a few games, too.
Doug: Okay, I’ll get the Frisbee and a softball so we can toss them around. And...what do you think? Should we bring the dog?
Diana: Definitely. He’ll love it down there.

选项 A、Did you hear that? 1 heard thunder. A storm is coming.
B、There are several. What kind of food are you thinking about?
C、Should we pack some sandwiches or pick up something along the way?
D、I remember going to a buffet not far from here. They have foods from several different countries.

答案 C

解析 对话中Diana提议去野餐,后文Diana提意见“为什么不在肯德基买些炸鸡再去莫里公园呢?”由此可推测Doug很有可能询问了Diana关于带什么食物的意见。C项最符合情景。