Woman: Hello. Central College. Can I help you? Man: Yes. I’d like to enquire abo

游客2024-08-05  5

问题 Woman: Hello. Central College. Can I help you? Man: Yes. I’d like to enquire about Music Technology courses at the college. Woman : Certainly. ______? Man: Staples, Buzz Staples. Woman: Just hold on a moment, Mr. Staples. ______ the Music Department. Man: Thanks.

选项 A、Anything I can help with; You should contact
B、Who do you want to call; Please try calling
C、Who’s calling, please; I’ll put you through to
D、Your name, please; I’ll show you the way to

答案 C

解析 由后面女士称男士为Mr. Staples可知第一个空女士在问男士的名字,排除选项A、B。由女士最后一句话说“Just hold on a moment”可知此对话是在电话中进行的,排除选项D。put sb. through to为某人把电话接通到…。