No one would deny that we are living in an increasingly commercialized society,

游客2024-08-05  8

问题 No one would deny that we are living in an increasingly commercialized society, where commodities are sold at a certain price, low or high. Happiness, however, is not a commodity. Happiness is at most associated with the materials you have. The association could be both negative and positive and it is we who should decide. Happiness is a state of mind which goes beyond the boundary of material possession. The ability to feel happy, regardless of the amount of possessions that one has, is a true valuable asset that no money can buy.


答案 没有人会否认我们生活在个日益商业化的社会里,在这个社会里,商品以一定的价格出售,不论高价还是低价。然而,幸运不是商品。幸福大多与你拥有的物质有关。这种有关是消极的还是积极的,是应该由我们来决定的。幸福是一种超越物质界限的精神状态。无论一个人拥有多少财产,感受幸福的能力才是真正有价值的资产,是金钱无法买到的。

解析 1.该段第一句为翻译难点。that引导宾语从句,where引导定语从句,句子中的low or high指的是价格,实际翻译的时候可单独译出来。
2.该段第五句为翻译难点。which引导定语从句,先行词为a state of mind(精神状态或心境)。go beyond表示“在……之外,超过”;material possession表示“物质财产”。