—George, I’m sorry to be late.—That’s OK.We haven’t ordered yet.So, what’s new?

游客2024-08-05  7

问题 —George, I’m sorry to be late.
—That’s OK.We haven’t ordered yet.So, what’s new?
—Nothing much.____________ That’s why I had to rush to get here.How are things with you?
—Same as usual.Overworked, underpaid.

选项 A、The new job suits me well.
B、I’ve been promoted to sales manager.
C、I’ve been really busy this week.
D、You’re my guest today.

答案 C

解析 选项A为“新工作很适合我”;选项B为“我晋升为销售经理”;选项C为“我这周真得很忙”;选项D为“今天你是我的客人”。根据上下文,空白处解释了为什么“着急赶过来”这件事,只有C项符合。故选C。