The means by which an art form presents its message is referred to as th
The means by which an art form presents its message is referred to as th
The means by which an art form presents its message is referred to as the medium.Thus, sound produced by instruments or human voices is the medium of music.Paint on canvas or paper is the medium of painting.For literature, the medium is written language.For theatre, it is a story performed by actors on a stage.
Drama is sometimes seen as a branch of literature because plays, like literature, are often printed in book form.However, there is an important difference between the two forms.Unlike a novel, a play is written to be performed, and the script of a play is not a finished work; it is an outline for a performance.The physical production of the play—the scenery, lighting, and costumes—will all affect the performance, and so will the actors.How the actors interpret their roles greatly influences the play’s effect on the audience.
The basic encounter in theatre is between the performers and the audience.This is a special type of encounter because the performers are playing other people or characters.Moreover, the characters are part of a human story that has been written by a dramatist.This combination of elements distinguishes theatre from other art forms.
Theatre has several other distinctive characteristics.First, the subject matter of theatre is always human beings.Second, theatre is universal—there is an impulse toward creating theatre in all societies.Third, theatre is transitory in nature—a play is an event that occurs through time.Finally, theatre is set apart by its basic elements: audience, performers, director, dramatist, purpose, viewpoint, and setting.
Human beings and human concerns are always the subject matter of drama, even when the performers play animals, objects, or abstract ideas.In the medieval play Everyman, some of the roles are abstract ideas such as Beauty, Knowledge, and Strength.The central character is Everyman, a human character, and the subject is death arriving before we want it to come—a theme that is universal to humans.The focus of the drama is on human beings, even though different human concerns have been emphasized in different ways.
In view of the human-centered quality of theatre, it is not surprising that the impulse toward theatre is universal.The urge to create drama has existed wherever human society has developed:in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Americas.In every culture recorded in history or studied by anthropologists, we find rituals, ceremonies, and celebrations that include elements of theatre.At various times, these ceremonies and stories developed into a separate realm of character.In Greece, a fully developed theatre emerged almost 2, 500 years ago.In India, theatre became well-established around 2, 000 years ago.Wherever theatre has become a separate art form, it has had certain essential qualities:a story—the play, is presented by one group—the performers, to another group—the audience.
One essential quality in a theatre performance is its immediacy.In the theatre, we live in the perpetual present tense.Theatre is a transitory art.A performance changes from moment to moment, and each moment is a direct, immediate adventure for the audience.The transitory nature of theatre is a quality it shares with music and dance, and sets it apart from literature and the visual arts.A novel or a painting is a fixed subject; it exists as a finished product.The performing arts, on the other hand, are not objects but events.Theatre occurs through time; it is an experience created by a series of sights, sounds, and impressions.
human beings
文章的第四段和第五段均提到戏剧的主题,第五段更是举例说明人是永恒的主题。因此,空格处应填human beings。
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治疗泻下滑脱不禁,应首选的方剂是 A.四神丸B.补中益气汤C.附子理中丸
下列说法中,属于认知学派游戏观的是()。 (A)游戏能够控制现实中的创伤性体
财政配置社会资源的机制和手段中,包括通过实行部门预算制度、( )和绩效评价制度
不符合乙状结肠扭转临床特点的是( )。A.呕吐早且频繁 B.可见不对称腹胀或