[originaltext]W: Shall I phone and tell your secretary you’re not coming today?

游客2024-08-05  5

W: Shall I phone and tell your secretary you’re not coming today?
M: Yes, please, dear. Tell her I’ve got a cold and have a headache, but hope to be back in a day or two. You’d better say I’m staying in bed.
W: But you’re not in bed! Do you want me to tell a lie?
M: Oh, dear. I’m not making an excuse. I really have a bad headache.
Question: Why doesn’t the man want to go to the office today?

选项 A、He doesn’ t feel well.
B、He is a bit too tired.
C、He has something else to do.
D、He needs to go see a doctor.

答案 A

解析 题目问男士今日为什么不想上班。对话中男士让女士打电话请假,原因是自己感冒了,头痛;后面又强调说自己确实头很痛。故选A。