[originaltext]W: Hi, Harry. Did you have a good summer vacation?M: Sure. I wen

游客2024-08-05  5

W: Hi, Harry. Did you have a good summer vacation?
M: Sure. I went for my weekend on my uncle’s farm.
W: Really? What interesting things did you do there?
M: I helped get in some rice, take care of the fruit garden and drive the tractor.
Question: What are the speakers talking about?

选项 A、Where to spend their vacation.
B、How to drive a tractor.
C、Their summer holiday.
D、The man’ s uncle’ s house.

答案 C

解析 题目问说话人在讨论什么。对话中女士问男士是否度过一个愉快的暑假,之后男士说自己在叔叔的农场度过了暑假及所做之事。由此可见,说话人在讨论他们的暑假。故选C。