[originaltext]W: What will you do with your cat when you leave for vacation?M:

游客2024-08-04  5

W: What will you do with your cat when you leave for vacation?
M: I’m having Ken take care of it.
Q: What will happen to the man’s cat?
W: Have you ever seen so much snow in your life?
M: I’m just tired of all this cold. How I envy those guys in Florida!
Q: What is being discussed?

选项 A、Florida.
B、Holiday in Florida.
C、The man’s friends in Florida.

答案 D

解析 女士问对方是否看到过这么多的雪,男士回答他已经厌倦了这种寒冷的天气。因此两个人是在谈论天气。