She ______ her research into the cause of cancer in spite of financial problems.

游客2024-08-03  4

问题 She ______ her research into the cause of cancer in spite of financial problems.

选项 A、carried away
B、put forward
C、consisted in
D、persisted in

答案 D

解析 carry away带走,冲走,冲昏头脑/put forward提出/consist in存在于/persist in坚持。例如:The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.该计划的妙处在于简洁明了。The ship was carrying oil away from Kuwait to Japan.这艘船把石油从科威特运往日本。He persisted in carrying on the experiment in spite of all kinds of setbacks.尽管遇到很多挫折,他仍坚持做实验。