This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to c

游客2024-08-01  3

问题 This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete a visitor’s Message according to the instructions given below in Chinese. Remember to write it on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.
2.来访时间:12月20 13上午10点
3.被访客人:Mr. John Smith,住假日酒店422房间
4.事由:李华来酒店与Mr. John Smith商谈工作,Mr. John Smith外出
5.留言:李华约Mr. John Smith明天去PKK公司洽谈业务。李华明天上午9:00驾车来酒店接他;下午安排Mr. John Smith参观公司一条新建成的生产线。
Words for Reference:
驾车接人to pick somebody up生产线assembly line
总经理助理Assistant to General Manager
                                  Holiday Inn
                               Visitor’s Message
Mr. /Ms. (1) Mr. John Smith        Room No. 【2】________            While you were out
Mr./Ms. 【3】________of 【4】________                        Telephone (5) 65734363
□ Telephoned        √ Came to see you
□ Will call again     □ Will come again
□ Asked you to call back

Message: 【6】
Clerk: (7)Linda             Date: 【8】___________            Time:【9】___________


答案 (l) Mr. John Smith
(2) 422
(3) Mr. Li Hua
(4) Assistant to General Manager
(5) 65734363
(6) Mr. Li Hua makes an appointment with you to have a business talking in PKK Company tomorrow. He will come to pick you up in this hotel at 9 a. m. They arrange yo
