We have to be careful in driving a car mainly because it could be ______. [br] T

游客2024-08-01  6

问题 We have to be careful in driving a car mainly because it could be ______. [br] The best title for this passage is ______.

选项 A、Buy a Volvo with Air bags
B、Make a Car Safe Inside
C、Fasten Your Seat Belts
D、Add Air Bags to Cars

答案 B

解析 本题为主旨题。本文第一段指出驾车既有乐趣也能带来危险;第二三段通过系在滑板上的鸡蛋的例证说明安全带的重要性;接着第四五段阐述了气囊对汽车安全的重要性。本文的最终目的是阐述汽车安全问题。A、C、D项叙述过于片面,因此,答案应选B。