In the Philippine, May is a time of intense festivity. All month, school chil

游客2024-07-30  1

问题    In the Philippine, May is a time of intense festivity. All month, school children assemble bouquets and floral offerings and take them to church. Meanwhile, girls elected to serve as festival queens parade through the streets dressed in the national co

选项 A、Festival of Children
B、Flowers of May
C、Philippines’ Festival
D、The Biggest Night of the Year in Philippine

答案 B

解析 归纳题。题目问最佳标题是哪一个。通过对整篇文章的阅读,可以看出文章是围绕菲律宾的人们是如何庆祝五月花节的。所以,最佳选项应为B。