As used in the first paragraph of the passage, the word "motivate" most probably

游客2024-07-29  4

问题 As used in the first paragraph of the passage, the word "motivate" most probably means ______ . [br] Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?

选项 A、On seeing a well-designed container, a buyer often neglects what is inside it.
B、A buyer is also attracted by the size of the container.
C、Children are often made to buy a product by its package with attractive pictures.
D、Package is often made to buy a product by its package with attractive pictures.

答案 A

解析 题目问四句话中哪句在文中没有提到。第3段的第1句话“The size of a package also motivates a buyer.”说明选项B是正确的;第1段的最后两句话,说明C是正确的;第4段的第2句话说明选项D是正确的。而选项A是说,“一见到设计精美的容器,消费者就往往不去考虑里面的物品。”文章并未提到这项内容,所以选A。