They promise that the work (finish) ______ by the end of this month.will have be

游客2024-07-28  6

问题 They promise that the work (finish) ______ by the end of this month.


答案 will have been finished

解析 “by the end of”意为“到……时候为止”,要与完成时连用,“the end of this month”是将来时间,work与 finish之间是一种被动关系,所以要用将来完成时的被动语态,构成形式为“will/shall have been done”,第一人称用shall,其他人称用will (在美国,甚至在英国,第一人称也常用will) 。试比较:By the end of last week,I had learnt 5,000 words. (到上周末为止,我已经学会5000个单词了。) “by the end of last week”是过去时间,所以要用过去完成时。