[originaltext]W: I am told Tony is on holidays.M: Oh, yeah? But I hear that he

游客2024-07-28  7

W: I am told Tony is on holidays.
M: Oh, yeah? But I hear that he has left his job for good.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He has left his job.
B、Tony has left his job.
C、Tony is on holidays.
D、The woman is on holidays.

答案 B

解析 信息判断题。该题的考点是判断对话中的信息。女士提供的信息是托尼在度假;而男士提供的信息是托尼不再工作了。由于问的是男士说话的意思,应该判断为托尼已经不工作了。因此,该题的答案是B项。