收信人:Tom 写信人:王锦 写信日期;2002年6月22日 内容:假如你是王锦,你的美国笔友Tom昨天给你来信,告知你他将来大连度假。请你根

游客2024-07-28  5

问题 收信人:Tom


答案 Jun. 22nd. 2002
Dear Tom,
   I received your letter yesterday. I’m very glad to know that you’ll come to Dalian. I’m just going to have a one-month holiday after the exam. We can spend our holidays together. We can go swimming, go fishing, climb the hills and enjoy many kinds of delicious seafood. We can also visit our beautiful city and I hope you’ll love her. At the same time we may learn languages from each other. By the way, please call me and let me know about your flight number and the time as soon as you get the ticket. I’ll meet you at the airport.
   I’m sure we’ll have a good time together.
Best wishes to your family!
                                                                                                                   Wang Jin
