[originaltext]M: When does the plane arrive from Beijing?W: At twelve o’clock.

游客2024-07-27  5

M: When does the plane arrive from Beijing?
W: At twelve o’clock. You have to wait for another ten minutes.
Q: When does the plane arrive?
M: What’s the matter, Mary?
W: My computer doesn’t work. Can you help me?
Q: What does the woman ask the man to do?

选项 A、Tell her the price.
B、Wait for a while.
C、Examine her computer.
D、Go shopping with her.

答案 C

解析 本题为推理判断题。男士询问女士出了什么事情,女士说她的电脑坏了,询问男士能否提供帮助。由此可见,女士想让男士帮忙检查电脑,所以选项C为正确答案。本题围绕“电脑出故障”展开,所以选项A“告诉她价格”、选项B“稍等一会”和选项D“与她一起去购物”都可以排除。