Which of the following is the main topic of the passage? [br] From what Thomas J

游客2024-07-26  7

问题 Which of the following is the main topic of the passage? [br] From what Thomas Jefferson said, it can be inferred that ______ .

选项 A、Europe was changing more quickly than America
B、Europe had greater need of farm machines than America did
C、America was finally running out of good farmland
D、there was a lack of workers in American farms

答案 D

解析 细节推断题。题目询问根据托马斯&200958226;杰斐逊的话,可以推断出下面哪个选项。托马斯&200958226;杰斐逊的意思是“美国地广人稀,而欧洲却相反。”因此,选项D(美国农场缺乏工人)为正确答案。