65. Rules of the Reading Room 1. Read

游客2024-07-26  6

问题 65.                                        Rules of the Reading Room
    1. Read and study seriously.
    2. Keep quiet and pay attention to cleanliness.
    3. Do not talk or laugh loudly; do not smoke or eat; do not litter the floor with waste paper.
    4. Produce your student card when borrowing books. Borrow only one book at a time.
    5. Protect public property. Do not scribble (乱涂) on the pages of books or tear them out.
    6. Do not move the desks or chairs about. Close the windows when leaving.
    7. Let the readers and librarians help each other and jointly run the reading room well.


答案                                          阅览室规则

解析 本题是一篇说明文,主要介绍使用阅览室的注意事项。翻译时要注意以下单词和短语:pay attention to意为“注意……”;at a time意为“一次”;produce意为“出示”; move…about意为“搬来搬去”;public property意为“公共财物”;tear out意为“撕毁”。