[originaltext]M:Will you be here at 10:00?W:No,I’ll be thirty minutes later.Q

游客2024-07-26  8

M:Will you be here at 10:00?
W:No,I’ll be thirty minutes later.
Q:When will the woman arrive?
W:I agree to your proposal at the meeting this morning.It was a good one.
M:You should have backed me up then when I needed it.
Q:What does the man mean?

选项 A、His back was hurt during the meeting.
B、He agrees that it was a good meeting.
C、The proposal should be sent back.
D、Her support would have helped this morning.

答案 D

解析 事实细节题。对话中女士说她赞成男士今天上午会议中提出的建议,男土回答道:“你本该在我需要的时候支持我。”所以,男士的言外之意是女士今天上午支持他才会有帮助。本题关键是理解词组back sb.up,意为“支持某人”,所以D是正确答案。