[originaltext]How long will it take for him to get to Shanghai from Beijing? [/

游客2024-07-26  8

How long will it take for him to get to Shanghai from Beijing?
What impressed you most during your vacation in Guilin?

选项 A、I’ve been there twice.
B、I really had a good time.
C、Beautiful scenery and friendly people.
D、I love Guilin very much.

答案 C

解析 本题考查对询问事情印象的特殊疑问句的回答。本题问:“桂林度假期间给你印象 最深的是什么?”C)“美丽的风景和友善的人们”是较为合理的回答。A)是对How many times…提问次数的回答;B)是对How about your vacation/your experience?提问度假是 否愉快的回答;D)是回答How do you like Guilin?对桂林喜好的提问。