[originaltext]W: I have two tickets for the movie. Would you like to come with

游客2024-07-25  5

W: I have two tickets for the movie. Would you like to come with me?
M: I have seen it and it’s too cold outside.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
W: I’m going to the park after I finish class today. Do you want to come?
M: That’ll be great. We can buy some food on the way.
Q: What are they doing now?

选项 A、Going to a park.
B、Going to buy some food.
C、Having class.
D、Having a meeting.

答案 C

解析 行为活动题。对话中女士对男士说下课后打算去公园,男士表示支持,并建议在路上买些食物。由此可见,对话双方正在上课,所以C)为正确答案。本题可用排除法,可首先排除A)“正去公园”和B)“正去买食物”两项,这是他们打算课下做的事情;对话中没有提及D)“正在开会”,也可排除。