According to the passage, the credit card enables its owner to ______ . [br] The

游客2024-07-25  7

问题 According to the passage, the credit card enables its owner to ______ . [br] The phrase "ring up sales" (Line 2, Para.2) most probably means "______".

选项 A、make an order of goods
B、record sales on a cash register
C、call the sales manager
D、keep track of the goods in stock

答案 B

解析 语义辨析题。题目询问第二段第二行ring up sales的意思是什么。根据该短语前的can do much more than和它随后的一句,可以发现ring up sales是电子收款机的一个基本功能,因此可以推断出选项B(把销售额记入电子收款机)为正确答案。ring up意为“把款项记入,登录”。