Once you are hired as a company employee, you will likely have business cards. A

游客2024-07-24  5

问题 Once you are hired as a company employee, you will likely have business cards. A business card is printed with your name, title, company, address and phone number. Presenting a business card can provide information and help to make a favorable business impression. For exampie, when you arrive for a business interview, you should give the secretary your card, pronounce your name clearly, and explain your business purpose.


答案     你一旦被雇用为某公司的职员,很可能就会有名片。名片上印有你的名字、职业、公司、地址及电话号码。递送名片可以提供个人信息,并有助于形成良好的商业形象。比如,当你参加一个商业会晤,你应该把你的名片递给秘书,清楚地说出你的名字并讲出你的商业目的。

解析 本题注意几个短语的翻译:be hired as意为“被雇用为……”;business impression意为“商业形象”;business interview意为“商业会晤”;business purpose意为“商业目的”。