游客2024-07-24  5

问题                                                           REQUESTING PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A NEW POSITION
To: Elisabeth Taylor
From: Ma Liping
Subject: Establishing an Employee Services Department
Date: February 17, 2003
Dear Elisabeth,
   When I talked with you last week, you agreed with my suggestion to create a new Employee Services Department in the Personnel Division, and you asked me for my recommendation (推荐) of an individual in the company who might fill this position.
   After careful study and observation, I have come to the conclusion that Peng Tielin, now supervisor of recruitment and placement, could handle this position very capably. Peng Tielin has been a member of the Personnel staff for five years and has served in various capacities. In each position he showed imagination, enthusiasm and energy. He is well liked by his co-workers, and I am confident he would have everyone’s support in this new assignment. Amy Li, now assistant supervisor of recruitment and placement, would fill Peng Tielin’s present position.
   Attached is a revised job description for Peng Tielin, which incorporates (包括) the suggestion you made when we met.


答案 Employee Services Department

解析 第1段第1句提到马丽萍建议在人事部设立一个新的员工服务部。