This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to w

游客2024-07-23  6

问题 This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an Invitation Letter according to the information given in Chinese. Remember to write the notice on the Translation/Composition Sheet.
说明:以商务管理二班全班同学的名义于2008年12月23日给外教Mr.Morgan Stanley写一封邀请信,邀请他携夫人参加周末化装舞会。会上每个人都要表演一个节目,请做好准备。舞会时间:12月26日,周六,晚7点至10点。


答案                                                             December 23, 2008
Dear Mr. Morgan Stanley,
    We are pleased to invite you and your wife to come to our make-up dancing party this weekend. The party will be held at 7: 00 to 10: 00 p. m. , Saturday, December 26 at the dancing hall on the second floor of building 3. Everyone present is required to give a performance. We believe you can give us a surprise. All of us are looking forward to seeing you at the party.
                                                                All the students
                                                                Class Two
                                              Business and Management Department

解析 这是一封邀请函,写作时应注意交代清楚邀请的对象和活动的时间、地点和要求等。此外,力求语言简练,态度诚恳。