In everyday usage, "hot" means ______ . [br] From the last two sentences of the

游客2024-07-23  8

问题 In everyday usage, "hot" means ______ . [br] From the last two sentences of the passage, we can see ______ .

选项 A、men have never found the nature of heat
B、men found the nature of heat in the 17th century
C、men found the nature of heat in the 19th century
D、men found the nature of heat before the 19th century

答案 C

解析 本题为细节推断题。最后一句中说:直到19世纪早期人们才获得真正的答案。从文中我们知道,这种答案就是对“什么是热的本质”的回答。故选C。