According to the first paragraph, what managers want is ______. [br] The example

游客2024-07-22  8

问题 According to the first paragraph, what managers want is ______. [br] The example of Toshiba shows that managers are concerned about ______.

选项 A、the potential buyers of its products
B、its new superfast laptop computers
C、what people want to buy
D、their products

答案 A

解析 该题见文章的第1段。作者用例子说明经理们关心产品的购买者有多少,是什么样的人。也就是关注他们潜在的客户。根据原文中的句子,可以看到Toshiba wants to know“日本东芝公司想知道”的是两个内容,即:how many和what kind,一为人数,一为种类,都说明了是可能的购买者。