A team at the University of Michigan recently published a study of how marri

游客2024-07-21  5

问题     A team at the University of Michigan recently published a study of how married couples fight. They also looked at how different "styles" of arguing might predict the future of a marriage.
    The findings appeared in the Journal of Marriage and Family.
    The study followed 373 couples over sixteen years. Forty-six percent of them had divorced by the final year in 2002.
    The couples were asked at four different times to report on their most recent conflict. And they had to agree on which conflict was their most recent one firstly.
    The husbands and wives each had to choose from a list of behaviors to describe the strategies they used. The list included constructive behaviors like calm discussion, listening, and trying hard to find out the other person’s feelings.
    The list also included destructive behaviors like yelling, using insults, walking away or not communicating—in other words, the silent treatment.
    The researchers found that different combinations of strategies may help predict whether a couple will stay together. The chances decrease if only one partner uses constructive strategies. [br] The team at the University of Michigan has carried out a study on______.

选项 A、how couples get married
B、how to fight with couples
C、how married couples fight
D、how to avoid fighting

答案 C

解析 细节明示题。第一段第一句提到密歇根大学最近发表了一项关于已婚夫妇如何吵架的研究,因此选C)符合题意。