I hope they ______ the bridge by the time we leave at the end of this month.A、ha

游客2024-07-19  4

问题 I hope they ______ the bridge by the time we leave at the end of this month.

选项 A、have built
B、will have built
C、will build
D、are to build

答案 B

解析 我希望他们能在这个月底,我们离开前建好这座桥。本题考查将来完成时的用法。at the end of this month表示在这个月底,根据句子意思,我希望在离开前,这座桥已经修好。实际上我还没有离开,而且这座桥也还没有修好。可能正在修。很明显.句子要表达的意思是在将来的某个时间已经完成的动作。故选B。