The most important city of Cape Verde is ______ . [br] Three out of ten people l

游客2024-07-19  6

问题 The most important city of Cape Verde is ______ . [br] Three out of ten people living in Cape Verde are of ______ .

选项 A、mixed Portuguese and African ancestry (祖先)
B、either Portuguese or African ancestry
C、Portuguese ancestry
D、African ancestry

答案 D

解析 此题题干问“在佛得角十个人中间有三个人的祖先是来自哪里的”。原文第3段第5旬和第6句话指出佛得角百分之七十的人口是非洲黑人和葡萄牙人混血后裔,其余的是非洲黑人。因此选项D. African ancestry是正确答案。
