
游客2024-07-15  5

问题 说明:假如你是李明(中国籍),去云南旅游。于2014年8月8日入住香格里拉宾馆4602房间,8月18日离开。临走时被邀请填写一份问卷调查表。内容如下:
Words for reference:
购物中心shopping center; 班车shuttle bus
To improve the quality of our service,we would be grateful if you’d complete the following questionnaire.
Name:______ Nationality:______Room number:______
Check—in Date:______Check—out Date:______
Did you receive warm welcome and polite service when you arrived?______
Are you satisfied with the room service of our hotel?______
How do you think of our health facilities?______
Please give your impression of our restaurant service.______
Have you any other suggestions to help us make your stay more enjoyable?______
                                                                                                          Shangri-La Hotel
                                                                                                          General Manager


答案                                QUESTIONNAIRE
    To improve the quality of our service, we would be grateful if you’d complete the following questionnaire.
    Name: Li Ming     Nationality: Chinese     Room number: 4602
    Check-in Date: August 8th, 2014    Check-out Date: August 18th, 2014
    Did you receive warm welcome and polite service when you arrived?
    Are you satisfied with the room service of our hotel?
    How do you think of our health facilities?
    Please give your impression of our restaurant service.
    Overall good. ______
    Have you any other suggestions to help us make your stay more enjoyable?
    Since the hotel is located in the mountains, the traffic is not convenient and shopping centers are very less. It is advisable to offer free shuttle buses for guests, thus they can go shopping to the commercial district, or offer car-renting service, if you can contact the relevant companies.
                                                                                                       Shangri-La Hotel
                                                                                                       General Manager

解析 这是一份问卷调查表。得分的要点在于把所提供的信息填人相对应的空格内即可。填这种问卷调查时,要求语言清楚、简洁、礼貌、具体、准确。