[originaltext]W: Tom, why were you late for the interview? M: I missed the bus

游客2024-07-14  4

W: Tom, why were you late for the interview?
M: I missed the bus.
Q: Why was Tom late?
M: Excuse me, where can I learn more about your company?
W: From our website.
Q: Where can the man get more information about the company?

选项 A、From its website.
B、From its advertisement.
C、From its newsletter.
D、From its sales people.

答案 A

解析 事实细节题。本题询问男士可以从哪里了解这家公司的更多信息。对话开头男士问女士从哪里可以了解她们公司的更多信息(where can I learn more...),女士回答From our website(从我们的网站),由此选择A项From its website(从它的网站),其中its指代the company’s。