[originaltext]W: When are you going to take the new job?M: As soon as possible

游客2024-07-14  7

W: When are you going to take the new job?
M: As soon as possible.
Q: What is the man going to do?
M; May I smoke here?
W: Sorry, smoking is bad for the patients.
Q: Where does the dialogue probably take place?

选项 A、In a post office.
B、In a bookstore.
C、In a library.
D、In a hospital.

答案 D

解析 场景推断题。对话中男士问女士他是否可以在这里吸烟,女士表示抱歉,并说抽烟对病人们不好。由此推测,两人很有可能是在医院,所以D)为正确答案。A)“在邮局”、B)“在书店”和C)“在图书馆”,这三种地方一般不会出现病人,可以排除。