[originaltext]W: When are you going to take the new job?M: As soon as possible

游客2024-07-14  5

W: When are you going to take the new job?
M: As soon as possible.
Q: What is the man going to do?
W: You don’t look well. What’s wrong with you?
M: I’ve got a headache with a slight fever.
Q: What’s the problem with the man?

选项 A、He took the wrong medicine.
B、He has a headache.
C、He has broken his arm.
D、He got a heart attack.

答案 B

解析 信息明示题。对话中,女士认为男士的气色不太好,询问他出了什么问题;男士回答说他头痛而且发低烧。四个选项中只有B)符合男士的症状。A)“他吃错了药物”、C)“他摔断了胳膊”和D)“他的心脏病发作了”,在对话中均未提及。