[originaltext]W: Hi, Bob. Are you looking for a new job?M: Yeah. I just had an

游客2024-07-14  5

W: Hi, Bob. Are you looking for a new job?
M: Yeah. I just had an interview with ABC Company yesterday.
W: Oh, ABC Company? It’s an IT company. What position are you applying for?
M: Sales manager.
W: How was your interview?
M: I think I did it well. They say they will tell me the result next Monday.
W: I guess you will have a good chance to get the job.
M: I hope so. The interviewers seemed to appreciate my background.
W: Well, good luck, then.
17. What position is the man applying for?
18. What type of company is ABC Company?
19. When will Bob get the result of the interview?

选项 A、IT engineer.
B、Sales manager.
C、Computer programmer.
D、Office secretary.

答案 B

解析 事实细节题。本题询问男士申请什么职位。对话中女士向男士提出这个疑问,男士随即回答道他应聘的职位是销售经理。因此,本题B项Sales manager(销售经理)为正确答案。