[originaltext]W:(17)Let’s take a coffee break, shall we? M: Sorry. I can’t. W

游客2024-07-14  5

W:(17)Let’s take a coffee break, shall we?
M: Sorry. I can’t.
W:(18)Why are you so busy?
M: Well.(18)I’ve got to finish this report.
W: You can’t just stay on the computer forever.
M: But I have to finish it this morning.
W: Anyway, I think you do need to take a break.
17. What does the woman ask the man to do?
18. Why is the man so busy?
19. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

选项 A、He has to meet a client.
B、He has to fix his computer.
C、He has to prepare for a meeting.
D、He has to finish a report.

答案 D

解析 信息明示题。对话中,女士询问男士为什么这么忙,男士回答说他需要完成一份报告。由此可见,男士工作繁忙是因为他要完成一份报告,所以可以确定D)为本题的答案。A)“他不得不会见一位客户”、B)“他不得不修理电脑”和C)“他不得不为一场会议做准备”,这些内容在对话中并没有提到,因此均可以排除。