Welcome to our showroom (陈列室). This showroom displays high quality products from

游客2024-07-13  6

问题 Welcome to our showroom (陈列室). This showroom displays high quality products from Chinese manufacturers. You can be confident that you are seeing only the most well-known brands and discover the endless possibilities available. In our showroom, you can compare products and brands. You will discover the most suitable products for you. Our workers are always ready to provide detailed information about our products.


答案    欢迎来到我们的陈列室。这个陈列室展示了来自中国制造商的高质量产品。你可以放心,现在看到的都是最有名的品牌,可以发现无尽的可能性。在我们的陈列室里,你可以对产品和品牌进行比较。你将会发现最适合自己的产品。我们的工作人员随时准备为你提供有关我们产品的详细信息。

解析 1.第二句中,可将介词短语from Chinese manufacturers前置,与high quality一起充当products的定语。
2.第三句中,系表结构be confident可翻译为“放心”,表示强调的only和最高级the most well-known可合并翻译成“最……”,available可以不译出。
3.第四句中,compare可译成“对……进行比较”,将products and brands译成“产品和品牌”。
4.第六句中,are always ready to可译成“随时准备”,介词短语about our products可译成detailed information的定语。